Axis PropertiesTerminal Works - PDF Printing.Net Library

The Axis type exposes the following members.


Public propertyHasMajorGridlines
Gets or sets, whether the axis has a primary gridline object.
Public propertyHasMinorGridlines
Gets or sets, whether the axis has a secondary gridline object.
Public propertyLineFormat
Gets the format of the axis line.
Public propertyMajorGridlines
Gets the primary gridline object.
Public propertyMajorTick
Gets or sets the interval of the primary tick.
Public propertyMajorTickMark
Gets or sets the type of the primary tick mark.
Public propertyMaximumScale
Gets or sets the maximum value of the axis.
Public propertyMinimumScale
Gets or sets the minimum value of the axis.
Public propertyMinorGridlines
Gets the secondary gridline object.
Public propertyMinorTick
Gets or sets the interval of the secondary tick.
Public propertyMinorTickMark
Gets or sets the type of the secondary tick mark.
Public propertyParent
Gets the parent object.
(Inherited from DocumentObject.)
Public propertyTickLabels
Gets the label of the primary tick.
Public propertyTitle
Gets the title of the axis.
See Also
