PdfEdit.Pdf.AcroForms NamespaceTerminal Works - PDF Printing.Net Library

Public classPdfAcroField
Represents the base class for all interactive field dictionaries.
Public classPdfAcroFieldKeys
Predefined keys of this dictionary. The description comes from PDF 1.4 Reference.
Public classPdfAcroFieldPdfAcroFieldCollection
Holds a collection of interactive fields.
Public classPdfAcroFieldPdfFieldAnnotationArray
Holds the collection of WidgetAnnotations for a field
Public classPdfAcroForm
Represents a interactive form (or AcroForm), a collection of fields for gathering information interactively from the user.
Public classPdfAcroFormKeys
Predefined keys of this dictionary. The description comes from PDF 1.4 Reference.
Public classPdfButtonField
Represents the base class for all button fields.
Public classPdfButtonFieldKeys
Predefined keys of this dictionary. The description comes from PDF 1.4 Reference.
Public classPdfCheckBoxField
Represents the check box field.
Public classPdfCheckBoxFieldKeys
Predefined keys of this dictionary. The description comes from PDF 1.4 Reference.
Public classPdfChoiceField
Represents the base class for all choice field dictionaries.
Public classPdfChoiceFieldKeys
Predefined keys of this dictionary. The description comes from PDF 1.4 Reference.
Public classPdfComboBoxField
Represents the combo box field.
Public classPdfComboBoxFieldKeys
Predefined keys of this dictionary. The description comes from PDF 1.4 Reference.
Public classPdfGenericField
Represents a generic field. Used for AcroForm dictionaries unknown to PDFsharp.
Public classPdfGenericFieldKeys
Predefined keys of this dictionary. The description comes from PDF 1.4 Reference.
Public classPdfListBoxField
Represents the list box field.
Public classPdfListBoxFieldKeys
Predefined keys of this dictionary. The description comes from PDF 1.4 Reference.
Public classPdfPushButtonField
Represents the push button field.
Public classPdfPushButtonFieldKeys
Predefined keys of this dictionary. The description comes from PDF 1.4 Reference.
Public classPdfRadioButtonField
Represents the radio button field.
Public classPdfRadioButtonFieldKeys
Predefined keys of this dictionary. The description comes from PDF 1.4 Reference.
Public classPdfSignatureField
Represents the signature field.
Public classPdfSignatureFieldKeys
Predefined keys of this dictionary. The description comes from PDF 1.4 Reference.
Public classPdfTextField
Represents the text field.
Public classPdfTextFieldKeys
Predefined keys of this dictionary. The description comes from PDF 1.4 Reference.

Public enumerationPdfAcroFieldFlags
Specifies the flags of AcroForm fields.
Public enumerationTextAlignment
The Text-Alignment for a PdfTextField