Zoom EnumerationTerminal Works - PDF Printing.Net Library
Defines a zoom factor used in the preview control.

Namespace: PdfEdit.Forms
Assembly: PdfPrintingNet (in PdfPrintingNet.dll) Version: (

public enum Zoom

  Member nameValueDescription
Mininum10 The smallest possible zoom factor.
Maximum800 The largest possible zoom factor.
Percent800800 A pre-defined zoom factor.
Percent600600 A pre-defined zoom factor.
Percent400400 A pre-defined zoom factor.
Percent200200 A pre-defined zoom factor.
Percent150150 A pre-defined zoom factor.
Percent100100 A pre-defined zoom factor.
Percent7575 A pre-defined zoom factor.
Percent5050 A pre-defined zoom factor.
Percent2525 A pre-defined zoom factor.
Percent1010 A pre-defined zoom factor.
BestFit-1 Sets the zoom factor so that the document fits horizontally into the window.
TextFit-2 Sets the zoom factor so that the printable area of the document fits horizontally into the window. Currently not yet implemented and the same as ZoomBestFit.
FullPage-3 Sets the zoom factor so that the whole document fits completely into the window.
OriginalSize-4 Sets the zoom factor so that the document is displayed in its real physical size (based on the DPI information returned from the OS for the current monitor).
See Also
