PdfEdit.Pdf NamespaceTerminal Works - PDF Printing.Net Library

Public classKeysBase
Base class for all dictionary Keys classes.
Public classPdfArray
Represents a PDF array object.
Public classPdfArrayArrayElements
Represents the elements of an PdfArray.
Public classPdfBoolean
Represents a direct boolean value.
Public classPdfBooleanObject
Represents an indirect boolean value. This type is not used by PDFEdit. If it is imported from an external PDF file, the value is converted into a direct object.
Public classPdfCustomValue
This class is intended for empira internal use only and may change or drop in future releases.
Public classPdfCustomValues
This class is intended for empira internal use only and may change or drop in future releases.
Public classPdfDate
Represents a direct date value.
Public classPdfDictionary
Represents a PDF dictionary object.
Public classPdfDictionaryDictionaryElements
Represents the interface to the elements of a PDF dictionary.
Public classPdfDictionaryPdfStream
The PDF stream objects.
Public classPdfDictionaryPdfStreamKeys
Common keys for all streams.
Public classPdfDocument
Represents a PDF document.
Public classPdfDocumentInformation
Represents the PDF document information dictionary.
Public classPdfDocumentOptions
Holds information how to handle the document when it is saved as PDF stream.
Public classPdfDocumentSettings
Holds PDF specific information of the document.
Public classPdfInteger
Represents a direct integer value.
Public classPdfIntegerObject
Represents an indirect integer value. This type is not used by PDFEdit. If it is imported from an external PDF file, the value is converted into a direct object.
Public classPdfItem
The base class of all PDF objects and simple PDF types.
Public classPdfItemEventArgs
Public classPdfLiteral
Represents text that is written 'as it is' into the PDF stream. This class can lead to invalid PDF files. E.g. strings in a literal are not encrypted when the document is saved with a password.
Public classPdfName
Represents a PDF name value.
Public classPdfNamePdfXNameComparer
Implements a comparer that compares PdfName objects.
Public classPdfNameObject
Represents an indirect name value. This type is not used by PDFEdit. If it is imported from an external PDF file, the value is converted into a direct object. Acrobat sometime uses indirect names to save space, because an indirect reference to a name may be shorter than a long name.
Public classPdfNull
Represents a indirect reference that is not in the cross reference table.
Public classPdfNullObject
Represents an indirect null value. This type is not used by PDFEdit, but at least one tool from Adobe creates PDF files with a null object.
Public classPdfNumber
Base class for direct number values (not yet used, maybe superfluous).
Public classPdfNumberObject
Base class for indirect number values (not yet used, maybe superfluous).
Public classPdfObject
Base class of all composite PDF objects.
Public classPdfOutline
Represents an outline item in the outlines tree. An 'outline' is also known as a 'bookmark'.
Public classPdfOutlineCollection
Represents a collection of outlines.
Public classPdfPage
Represents a page in a PDF document.
Public classPdfPages
Represents the pages of the document.
Public classPdfReal
Represents a direct real value.
Public classPdfRealObject
Represents an indirect real value. This type is not used by PDFEdit. If it is imported from an external PDF file, the value is converted into a direct object.
Public classPdfRectangle
Represents a PDF rectangle value, that is internally an array with 4 real values.
Public classPdfString
Represents a direct text string value.
Public classPdfStringObject
Represents an indirect text string value. This type is not used by PDFEdit. If it is imported from an external PDF file, the value is converted into a direct object.
Public classPdfUInteger
Represents a direct unsigned integer value.
Public classPdfUIntegerObject
Represents an indirect integer value. This type is not used by PDFEdit. If it is imported from an external PDF file, the value is converted into a direct object.
Public classPdfViewerPreferences
Represents the PDF document viewer preferences dictionary.
Public classTrimMargins
Represents trim margins added to the page.

Public structurePdfObjectID
Represents a PDF object identifier, a pair of object and generation number.

Public enumerationPdfColorMode
Specifies what color model is used in a PDF document.
Public enumerationPdfCustomValueCompressionMode
This class is undocumented and may change or drop in future releases.
Public enumerationPdfFlateEncodeMode
Sets the mode for the Deflater (FlateEncoder).
Public enumerationPdfFontEmbedding
Specifies the embedding options of an XFont when converted into PDF. Font embedding is not optional anymore. So Always is the only option.
Public enumerationPdfFontEncoding
Specifies the encoding schema used for an XFont when converted into PDF.
Public enumerationPdfOutlineStyle
Specifies the font style for the outline (bookmark) text.
Public enumerationPdfPageDestinationType
Specifies the type of a page destination in outline items, annotations, or actions..
Public enumerationPdfPageLayout
Specifies the page layout to be used by a viewer when the document is opened.
Public enumerationPdfPageMode
Specifies how the document should be displayed by a viewer when opened.
Public enumerationPdfReadingDirection
Specifies how the document should be displayed by a viewer when opened.
Public enumerationPdfStringEncoding
Determines the encoding of a PdfString or PdfStringObject.
Public enumerationPdfTextStringEncoding
Specifies how text strings are encoded. A text string is any text used outside of a page content stream, e.g. document information, outline text, annotation text etc.
Public enumerationVCF
Value creation flags. Specifies whether and how a value that does not exist is created.